feral trade coffee Nonualco
from Codecano San Pedro Nonualco, El Salvador
Borbonne coffee (Arabica) shadegrown in high-altitude volcanic San Pedro Nonualco, El Salvador, by Cooperativa de Caficultores Nonualcos R.L. (CODECANO). Roasted and packaged by CODECANO on location. Ground or beans. http://www.feraltrade.org/coffee. ferally traded since: 24/02/05.
HTTP gallery London, UK to Istanbul Istanbul, Turkey
dispatched 03/09/09 delivered 09/09/09
coffee Nonualco shipment FER-1507
REMARKS: whole beans for hybrid locative project, "coffee deposite:siting maps in cups"
QTY: 3 units at bag each
FROM: HTTP gallery in London, UK
TO: Istanbul in Istanbul, Turkey
SENDER:kate rich
REQUESTED: to ship between 01/08/09 and 15/09/09
STATUS: delivered Istanbul 09/09/09
MAP route map
COURIER: delta airlines  kate rich  Ricardo Andres Yglesias M.  ali jones  james smith  ruth catlow 
TOTAL ROUTE:  Codecano-San Pedro Nonualco-San Salvador-SAL San Salvador airport-Atlanta airport-LGW-London Heathrow Airport-M4-M32-Cube Microplex-Redland-M32-M4-HTTP gallery--Istanbul
coffee Nonualco HTTP gallery to Istanbul
Shipping Facts
FER-1327 import purchase & freight
550 x coffee Nonualco baggrossper bag
payment to Codecano $3051 at exhcnage rate 1.96 USD t o1 GBP £1550 £2.82
payment to kingscote freight, including freight agent fee, HCH handling fee, duty £77.76 £0.14
petrol to airport £25 £0.05
Shipping Report FER-1507
onward transit of FER-1491 from Cube Microplex arrived HTTP gallery 2009-05-15
ali jones spent a few hours trying to start a car using various techniques.eventually got it moving with a push start with the help of a stranger who was leaving behind a night of print-making.convoyed to cube where friend took parcel in her van while i parked dubious car at garage for fixing.proceeded together to the leafy suburbs passing slow flat erections,under railway bridges and around civic lawns.parked up on narrow streets opening doors to fresh scented mild early summer late evening beneath a distant moon.hunted long driveways before finding any number.before finding number 15.
FER-1327 coffee Nonualco from Codecano arrived Cube Microplex 2007-07-25
kate rich 20/6/07 Bank transfer for $3062 ($3011 plus added $51 for random bank charges) with Abbey UK. 17/7/07 email from Ricardo Yglesias, the transfer arrived and coffee is enroute at San Salvador airport. Phoned Kingscote freight agent at Heathrow (0208 890 1000), they will contact when the shipment is landed. 24/7, no news. 25/7 no news, midday phoned Kingscote, they had misspelt my phone number, the coffee was delivered to HCH (Delta freight handlers) Heathrow the previous night, shipping documents lost by Delta. Paid fees to Kingscote by phone. 7PM after bristol commuter traffic ebb, left Cube by car, petrol at 96p/L, M32 and M5 rainless despite earlier this week great South West Floods of 2007 engulfing towns. At Heathrow, followed Terminal 4&5 signs to arrive at the HCH cargo compound. Picked up the shipment retrieval documents at Reception with drivers ID and Kingscote authorisation. Shipment pallet delivered by forklift, boxes were all present but many were opened and the coffee bags looked rummaged. Forklifters kindly reweighed the shipment (252 kg) and recorded the pickup as damaged. Drive home was gloomy yet aromatic. Arrived Cube at midnight, unloaded 1/4 metric tonne coffee into the under-auditorium-seating area. Coop had miscompiled the order as 175kg ground coffee and 75kg beans, the reverse of my emailed order; the ground coffee was also ground too coarse. Emailed Ricardo shipping report then went home to sleep (see http://www.feraltrade.org/coffee/correspondance/shipment7/grind_disaster_07_26_2007_16:45:27-600 for more).
Ricardo Andres Yglesias M. Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2007 22:19:25 -0600 From: Ricardo Yglesias. Hi Kate, the money arrived to the bank correctly; we took the 250 K today to the airport, and is leaving probably tomorrow to Heathrow by Delta Air Lines with Bill of Lading No. 006-5033-8385 so you can trace it. Tomorrow morning I will send you the Itinerary. Best regards Ricardo. Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 14:43:17 -0600 Subject: RE: Coffee shipment will go tomorrow. Hi Kate, I contacted our agent in the airport, COMCA INTERNATIONAL, and they tell me that the shipment is still on the waiting line, and will not leave today, probably tomorrow, but for sure on Friday. I will inform you of the itinerary as soon as I have the information. Thu, 19 Jul 2007 13:58:00 -0600 Hi Kate, I am sending you the mail I received today from COMCA INTL, which they say that Delta will have space until Saturday or Sunday, as I talk to Sr. Juan Montoya this morning. On the other hand we received at the Bank $3,011.90, I understand that the bank here charges $15.00 more or less, when we have the monthly bank statement I'll confirm to you.
coffee Nonualco transit: Cube Microplex to HTTP gallery
coffee Nonualco transit: Codecano to Cube Microplex
freight and handling coffee Nonualco to Istanbul sponsored by
FERALTRADE products passed by hand. The word 'feral' describes a process that is deliberately wild, as in pigeon, as opposed to nature wild (wolf). Feral Trade freight operates largely outside commercial channels, using the surplus potential of social, cultural and data networks for the distribution of goods. contact kate@feraltrade.org